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Tag: Insurance Agent

How Workers' Comp Might Change In and After 2016

Workers’ Compensation insurance is in a constant state of change. From year to year, new rules and regulations come into play that impact most business owners here in Colorado. If you have not been informed about some of the upcoming changes, get help from a local insurance agent who can walk you through these important issues and advise you.  What Could Change Group Health and Workers’...

How EPL Insurance Can Save Business Owners From a Legal Let-Down

We live in a litigious society. No matter how carefully you train your employees, over the course of doing business it wouldn’t be rare to be facing a lawsuit for discrimination, wrongful termination, sexual harassment, violations of the APA, retaliation claims, a liability lawsuit related to fiduciary duty, or other legal threat. You want to be protected against this type of occurrence, and EPL insurance...

Sharing a Business Space? Know the Risks

Sharing a business space reduces costs but there may be hidden financial risks. If you are planning to share a space with another professional or business, it's important that you are protected by the right type of insurance. Your current policy may not adequately cover your business if you plan to, or are currently co-working with another professional in your industry or related enterprise.  Sharing...

Can Your Business Function Without the Owner?

Many business owners eventually realize that sometime sooner or later they will have to move on. However, some businesses revolve around the owner's direct participation and without the boss there, the business may not be unable to function. Businesses that are established by owners with this level of involvement are at risk, but something can be done about it. At some point during the lifecycle of...

Protecting Your People: How to Properly Insure Your Employees

Are the employees of your business properly insured? Unforeseen circumstances, such as dangerous weather systems, earthquakes, fires, nasty accidents or the death or incapacitation of a key person can be extremely costly. As a business grows and changes, adds more staff, or expands facilities, insurance needs will change. Every year, business owners should get a full review of their current business insurances and employee insurances. Key personnel...